
These are

Fashionable dance styles and ido disciplines

Until 1993, the disciplines of disco dance, show dance and other fashionable dance styles were part of the Slovak Dance Union (STZ) and under the patronage of the National Education Center (NOC). Fashionable dance styles were presented regionally and even at the Slovak Championships (MSR) as part of the ŠTT and LAT pairs competition of the highest categories. The categories of ballroom choreography, folk and historical dances, disco choreographies, dance compositions (groups) and free dances (duos and soloists) were included in the MSR. Slovak dancers competed in the IDO disciplines (or their equivalent) already before 1985, but they completed their first international competitions only in 1988 (show dance formations, show dance duo and step solo and duo). The pioneers were the dancers of the groups SLOVAN Bratislava, SPEKTRUM Bratislava, Step club PKO Bratislava, and later other groups were added.

Disco dance

Brief description of dances and styles:

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Contact us

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Lukáš Eštvanc

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Member of the sztš presidium and chairman of the committee of the ido section

Hanka Švehlová

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Committee member

Alenka Majeríková

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Lukáš Eštvanc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Aenean et est a dui se mper facilisis.